Monday, December 29, 2008

Money Management Technique Part 5

Want another secret?

Do you want to stay motivated about money?

It's easy! Everyone can do it. Get more books, go to seminars, talks, get to know people with the same interest. Not only do you get to know more about the subject matter, with people of the same interest, you will get to exchange ideas, bounce off the positive energy, encourage each other. And maybe get together to start a business!


There are a few companies out there who organizes good seminars.

Do me a note and I'll email you the list.

So now that you have successfully learn to be a money manger, mange your money now! It's fun!

Happy money managing!


Anonymous said...

hi.. what a very good advice you have had. I spent my time to read through all your blog post. Thanks for a good advice ;)

Your Financial Adviser said...

Hi Paragasu, thank you very much for your kind comments.

It's very encouraging to know that there are readers out there who are really interested in growing their wealth and investing in their own future.

God Bless! And may God multiply your money and add much more to it!